Bushfires threaten lives and homes across WA as the mercury soars

The warning is in place for anyone in an area between Emu Fence Road, King-Ingram Road and Marvel Loch-Forrestania Road and the Mount Holland Mine.
The fire is moving fast in a south-easterly direction and has already burned through 1000 hectares.
Firefighters are actively fighting the fire with heavy earthmoving machinery.
And down in the Great Southern, another emergency warning has been issued for people bounded by Yellanup Road, Albany Highway, Townshend Road and Watermans Road in Narrikup, near Albany.
The fire, first reported at 12.58pm, is moving fast in a north-easterly direction and is also out of control. A number of roads have been closed including Yellanup Road, and it is now too late to leave.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services warned those still in these areas should shelter in a room with running water, such as a kitchen or laundry, and have a clear exit to easily escape the house.
Residents should close all doors and windows and turn off evaporative air conditioners but keep water running through the system if possible.
If the home catches fire and the conditions inside become unbearable, go to an area that has already been burnt.
For up-to-date information, check the EmergencyWA website.