Minister’s Sydney office vandalised in ‘cowardly’ attack

Transport Minister Jo Haylen has branded as disgraceful and cowardly the targeting of her electorate office with graffiti including the word “antisemite”.
In what Haylen said was the fourth incident of its kind at her office in Sydney’s inner west, the word was sprayed across the front window under the Summer Hill MP’s name.
Graffiti sprayed on the front window of Jo Haylen’s electorate office on Saturday. Credit: Facebook
“Honour your oath, separate church and state,” was also scrawled on a window of the Marrickville Road premises.
According to NSW Police, the vandalism took place about 1pm on Saturday. Officers are investigating.
“Yesterday, my electorate office was subjected to a disgraceful and cowardly attack of vandalism,” Haylen said in a statement.
“This is the fourth time my office has been subjected to this kind of criminal attack.
The images were posted to social media page Inner West Council Watch.Credit: Facebook
“These kind of criminal acts are designed to intimidate and divide our successful multicultural communities. I will not be intimidated by them, and nor will the rest of our inner west community.”
Haylen said she had total confidence police would track down those responsible and “subject them to the full force of the law”.